Economic Perspectives September 2021

Bursting at the Seams In these unprecedented times, changes in the economy have occurred very quickly. Last year, the pandemic suddenly decimated large numbers of businesses and entire industries globally while throwing many out of work. The ensuing rapid recovery has made those tragic events feel like a lifetime ago. With multiple tailwinds, economic growth has been very strong and [...]

Economic Perspectives June 2021

New Cycle Emerging While we have by no means reached the finish line for the Covid pandemic, the economic reopening boom is upon us and it looks as if we are exiting the final phase of the economic crisis. The acceleration in vaccinations, easing of pandemic restrictions and the latest $1,400 stimulus checks have combined to quickly ratchet-up expectations for [...]

Economic Perspectives March 2021

2021: Vaccine Versus Virus To say that 2020 was an unusual year would be an understatement. We experienced a global pandemic that caused a rapid worldwide economic recession. In the United States, the service sector was especially hard hit due to social distancing and self-quarantining containment strategies. Many people suddenly became unemployed and entire industries were decimated by lack of [...]

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